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Events and workshops are designed to deepen your understanding of, and your relationship with, yoga and yourself. They offer a unique opportunity to learn, to explore specialized areas of interest, and to connect with a supportive and authentic community.


Save the Date!
Evening Unwind

Donation-Based Offering

The stressors of modern life may leave us feeling the need to come back into balance by taking some time for ourselves to unwind. Join me for this 75-minute restorative yoga class, which will focus on decompressing the body through breath, gentle movement, and restful stillness. This class will include Yoga Nidra and a soothing sound bath to encourage calming of the mind-body system. All levels are welcome.

Remember to bring your comfiest essential -- think snuggly blankets, dreamy eye pillow, and plush socks. Let's create our own oasis of calm!

August 23rd, 2024
November 15th, 2024
December 13th, 2024
Time: 7:15 - 8:30pm

To registration will be available soon!